Selection guide


■ Automotive Grade Products (for major unlicensed frequency bands)

Applications Part Number Frequency Range
2.4 GHz 5 GHz 6 GHz 4.6 GHz
Automotive equipment
- Display audio
- Telematics control unit
- Smart key
- Battery management system
- Charging equipment for electric vehicles

2.4 to 2.5G, 4.6 to 4.9G, 5.15 to 5.85G, 5.925 to 7.125 GHz

2.4 to 2.5G, 5.15 to 5.85G, 5.925 to 7.125 GHz


2.4 to 2.5G, 5.15 to 5.85 GHz


2.4 to 2.5 GHz


■ General Purpose Products (for major unlicensed frequency bands)

Applications Part Number Frequency Range
2.4 GHz 5 GHz 6 GHz 4.6 GHz
ICT equipmet
- Wi-Fi router
- CPE (*1) (LTE / W-Fi Gateway)
- Enterprise Wi-Fi access point
- Gaming machine
- Personal handyphone system
・Wireless module for TV
IoT equipment
- Smart meter
- Smart lighting
- Smart home control unit
- Electronic labels

2.4 to 2.5G, 4.6 to 4.9G, 5.15 to 5.85G, 5.925 to 7.125 GHz

2.4 to 2.5G, 5.15 to 5.85G, 5.925 to 7.125 GHz


2.4 to 2.5G, 5.15 to 5.85 GHz


2.4 to 2.5 GHz

*1 Customer Premises Equipment
Applications Part Number Frequency Range
860 MHz 920 MHz
IoT equipment
- Smart meter
- Smart lighting
- Smart home control unit
- Security camera
- Home security unit
- Remote monitoring / Tracker devices
- Electronic labels
- UAV / UGV(*2)

863 to 870 MHz


902 to 928 MHz

*2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle / Unmanned Ground Vehicle

■ General Purpose Products (for LTE / 5G)

Applications Part Number Frequency Range
700 MHz 1.7 GHz 1.9 GHz 3.3 GHz 4.6 GHz
ICT equipment
IoT equipment
- Smart meter
- Security camera
- Home security unit
- Remote monitoring / Tracker devices
- Health core devices

698 to 960 MHz, 1.71 to 2.69 GHz


698 to 960 MHz, 1.71 to 2.2 GHz

IoT equipment
- Health core devices
- Local 5G unit

4.6 to 4.9 GHz

IoT equipment
- Private LTE terminal
- Smart meter for CBRS (*3)
- Smart meter for sXGP (*4)

3.3 to 3.8 GHz


1.88 to 1.92 GHz

*3 Citizens Broadband Radio Service, *4 shared Xtended Global Platform

Inquiries about products


- Japan -
Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.

International Operations Planning Division
1-19, Aobadai 3-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8539, Japan
Tel : +81-3-3780-2768 Fax : +81-3-3780-2770