Environmental Report 2014

Environmental Audits

Environmental Audits

The domestic multi-site environmental management system underwent its eighth ISO 14001 audit since receiving integrated certification in August 2005. From fiscal 2013, sales locations have introduced remote audits using teleconferencing systems to achieve greater audit efficiency. In addition, internal environment audits were carried out with a particular emphasis on the effectiveness of measures against climate change and on preventing risks. Also, environment quality audits were carried out to monitor the control of chemical constituents in the JAE Group’s product designs and manufacturing processes.

●Results of ISO 14001 periodical audit
In fiscal 2013, the ISO 14001 certification of JAE’s environmental management system was renewed. Based on the ISO 14001: 2004 standard, the entire system was audited for compliancy, effectiveness, and appropriateness within the scope of certification. JAE will continue to strive to further link environmental activities with its main business, aiming to make its activities even more effective and efficient.

●Results of internal environmental audits
In fiscal 2013, the JAE Group found no significant issues of non-compliance in an internal environmental audit of its management system. In the fiscal year, the Group conducted an interim internal environmental audit in order to confirm compliance with plant expansion and changes to the management organization of the HAE site. In addition, the JAE Group conducted a regular internal environmental audit which specifically reviewed the plant, as well as the status of compliance of facilities upgrades and changes to the management organization. It also placed special emphasis on extracting “points to evaluate,” aiming to develop positive practices. Starting this fiscal year, a legal check sheet was introduced, and the status of adherence to laws and regulations was confirmed. Common site issues and points to evaluate are being shared across the Group, further raising the level of management.
Internal environmental quality audits are helping to standardize auditing levels through a mutual assessment system using in-house environmental advisors and to introduce into preliminary surveys the format common to JEITA (JGPSSI), which is becoming an industry standard. The company has confirmed that the audit results and the management conditions of environmental quality are good. 

■FY 2013 ISO 14001 periodical audit
Sites Good
Category A Category B Opportunities for improvement
JAE Group, JAE, HAE, and YAE sites 4 instances 0 instances 0 instances 14 instances

■FY 2013 internal environmental audits
Sites Good
Non-complying Borderline Requests
HAE site 1 instances 0 instances 1 instances 2 instances

■FY 2013 environmental quality internal audits
Sites Points to
Non-complying Borderline Requests
JAE Group and all sites 19 instances 3 instances 18 instances 39 instances

■FY 2013 environmental quality internal audits
Site Assessments by self-checking method using designated questions
Percentage of “yes” answers (Note 1) Number of comments (Note 2)
JAE sites (Connectors, Aerospace, UIS)
HAE, YAE, FAE, and SAE sites
99.5% 2
Note 1: The “yes” answer confirms implementation through evidence.
Note 2: Comments are study requests for dealing with improvements. 

Fiscal 2013 ISO 14001 certification renewal