Environmental Report 2013

Significance of the 2013 Environmental Report

Significance of the Environmental Report

As a good corporate citizen that benefits from the global environment, the JAE Group helps to build a more sustainable society by protecting the environment in its business activities. This is one of the important issues for the Group's future. The entire Group, both in and outside of Japan, is working hard to further its environmental commitment as laid down in the JAE Group Environmental Policy.

I would like to look back on the environmental activities we have pursued under this policy.
In FY 2012, we continued to set goals and pursue efforts focused on addressing climate change, such as reducing the use of raw materials and chemical substances, promoting green procurement and eco-friendly designs, and reducing waste materials.
Specific examples of this include efforts to improve productivity and other improvement activities, the pursuit of production with good energy and material efficiency, the updating/expansion of power monitoring for the purpose of measurement/analysis, and the promotion of awareness activities through e-learning for all employees in order to extend the energy-saving measures typified by Warm Biz and Cool Biz initiatives into their homes.

Kazuo Takeda, Senior Vice President and Member of the Board
Executive Officer in Charge of Environmental Management, JAE Group
Measures against climate change in particular are a globally important issue, and in order to keep in step with industry efforts, the JAE Group has registered to join the Action Plan of the Industries of Electrical and Electronics on a Low Carbon Society, which sets goals for achievement by FY 2020. The Group first launched its specific efforts in FY 2013.
The business environment we face is expected to change dramatically in FY 2013. Amid the anticipated zero-based review of the 25% reduction in greenhouse gases, we are continuing with reduction measures that we have been actively pursuing for compliance purposes as well as to deal with the effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Together with this, we are currently working hard to step up our energy-saving and resource conservation measures.
This online environmental report summarizes our FY 2012 environmental activities. Nothing would please me more than to hear your opinions on how we could make further improvements to our environmental activities.