Environmental Report 2014

Measures against Climate Change

The fight against climate change is a crucial global issue that requires the further involvement of each and every person and organization. The JAE Group is working to address climate change through the teaching of environmental awareness, production-related measures, and measures at plant facilities, and it has set definite objectives and targets for its environmental activities. Since fiscal 2010, the Group has conducted an annual e-learning training course on energy saving to raise each and every employee’s awareness of climate change.

In fiscal 2013, the energy-derived CO2 emissions of the JAE Group were 55,797 tons, an 11.2% increase from the previous fiscal year. The main factor behind the increase was higher production at the YAE and HAE sites, which are the principal manufacturing bases for connectors. However, the Group overall, including both of these sites, substantially improved energy usage per unit by 21%. 

*The equivalency factor for CO2 emissions due to energy use is the value published by the Federation of Electric Power Companies. In FY 2013, the FY 2012 result (0.476tons-CO2/MWh) is being used.

Progress on the electrical and electronics industries’ commitment under the Action Plan for Achieving a Low-Carbon Society

Since fiscal 2013, the JAE Group has taken part in the Action Plan for Achieving a Low-Carbon Society in the electrical and electronics industries. It is targeting a 1% annual average improvement on a per-unit of energy basis through 2020, and has set fiscal 2013 as its entry-level unit baseline. 

Status of Response to Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program

The Akishima Plant has an obligation to cut greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 6% during the first phase of the plan from fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2014. Emissions were cut by approximately 24% from the baseline standard of fiscal 2013, exceeding the reductions set forth in the initial plans. In the first phase of the plan, it is projected that it will be possible to achieve obligatory reductions through voluntary efforts to maintain current measures. 

Activities to increase awareness of measures to fight global warming

In fiscal 2013 the following activities were conducted to increase awareness.

(1)Environment Month (June 1 to June 30)
Environment Month publicity and a wide-range of Environment Month activities were held at each site.

(2)Environmental education concerning energy saving
All employees of the JAE Group in Japan took part in e-learning. (For details, see the Environmental Education section).

(3)Warm Biz and Cool Biz
Cool Biz (May 7 through October 31)
Warm Biz (November 1 through March 31)

(4)Participation in energy-saving “Lights Down” campaign (June 21 and July 7)
Lights were turned down on building billboards and elsewhere (day and night).

(5)Eco-driving training, No driving day
At JAE Hirosaki, an eco-driving course was held to teach environmentally responsible driving practices.
At the JAE Akishima Plant, drivers who commute to work in their own vehicles made efforts to achieve the goal of two no driving days in a month, as part of the effort to fight global warming.

(6)Awareness survey on employee energy-saving activities in their homes (June)
The survey revealed that many employees adopted the energy-saving measures implemented at the company in their homes, as well.