Environmental Report 2023

Significance of the 2023 Environmental Report Noritaka Hiyama, Executive Officer

Noritaka Hiyama, Executive Officer,
Director in charge of Environment, JAE Group

To address global warming and other issues facing the international community, the United Nations has set Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
 The JAE Group recognizes that it is the Group’s responsibility to address these environmental risks through its business activities. Therefore, in terms of environmental issues, we reduced our environmental impact while expanding the company’s production scale and pursued business in line with our environmental policy. In 2022, we took the following actions with a focus on fighting global warming.
 First, among measures to fight global warming, we introduced electricity derived from renewable energy sources at HAE and YAE as a measure to reduce CO2 emissions. Also, as energy-saving measures, we turned off heaters at production facilities when not in operation, switched to LED lighting, and upgraded to energy-saving compressors and high-efficiency transformers. In logistics, we have reduced CO2 emissions by pursuing modal shift and employing reusable connector trays.
 These measures resulted in a significant reduction in the sales primary unit and in total CO2 emissions. To steadily reduce total CO2 emissions in the future, the JAE Group has set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% compared with 2017 by fiscal 2030 for Scopes 1 and 2 of its production sites. To achieve this target, the Group will continue to introduce renewable energy and work even harder on energy conservation.
 Next, with regard to waste reduction, efforts have been made to promote the conversion of molding scraps and other materials into valuable resources, with a view to eliminating plastic. We review the way we treat each kind of waste, provide education on waste sorting, and promote recycling.
 In addition, we strive to communicate with business partners as we address regulations on chemical substances in products We are building a cooperative system based on mutual trust, for instance by providing data on chemical substances in products. We will continue to augment our management system going forward.
 For the JAE Group to continue to exist and grow over the medium to long term, it needs to respond appropriately to global warming and other critical issues. To that end, the Group will, for example, estimate the impact of physical risks, transition risks, and profit opportunities related to climate change on its business activities and profits. In addition, we will analyze these based on greenhouse gas emissions data and implement a range of measures to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, in accordance with the government’s policy.

 This environmental report summarizes our environmental activities in fiscal 2022. We would be pleased if you would share your opinions with us so that we can make further improvements to our environmental activities.

Noritaka Hiyama, Executive Officer,
Director in charge of Environment, JAE Group
JAE supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).