Environmental Report 2020

Significance of the 2020 Environmental Report Noritaka Hiyama, Executive Officer

Significance of the 2020 Environmental Report

Global environmental risks such as disasters caused by climate change and the reduction of water and forest resources that are impacting ecosystem conservation have become serious issues. To address global warming and other issues facing the international community, the United Nations has set Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
 The JAE Group recognizes that it is the company's responsibility to address these environmental risks through its business activities. We will reduce our environmental impact while still expanding production scale as a company and promote sustainable environmental management in line with our environmental policy.
 Among our environmental activities in 2019 were our measumate change through risk analysis (and opportunities) using ISO14001:2015. We were able to achieve our reduction obligation in the second planning phase of the Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Security Ordinance’s CO2 emissions regulations (CO2 emissions regulations for business sites and offices in Tokyo). We also shareres to fight clid information with senior management on issues including the use of renewable energy, as well as our work on environmental management integrated with our business activities.

Noritaka Hiyama, Executive Officer
Director in charge of Environment, JAE Group

 In addition, the following initiatives were taken with a focus on addressing climate change, water resource management, and regulations on chemical substances in products.
 As for measures to fight climate change, we have made infrastructure-related improvements, such as upgrading to LED lighting and reviewing air conditioning management, raising production efficiency, and improving the energy efficiency of production equipment such as injection molding and press machines. With 2012 as the base fiscal year, we have reduced energy consumption by 4,197 kL on a crude oil equivalent basis. We also reviewed logistics routes and reduced CO2 emissions.
 With regard to water resource management, we are conducting forest conservation activities for the JAE Group Forest, our environmental symbol, in order to maintain water resources for groundwater. In recognition of this achievement, we received a commendation from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in November 2018.
 In dealing with regulations on toxic substances contained in products, we created a management system for the four types of phthalates based on the EU RoHS Directive and recently strengthened our management system by introducing screening analysis equipment. We will continue working to enhance our management system. 

 We will continue to compile our environmental activities for fiscal 2019 and post them here in this environmental report. I hope you will give us your honest opinion to help us further improve our environmental activities.

Noritaka Hiyama, Executive Officer
We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).